Victorian Students Parliamentary Program

Local Constitutional Convention Program
Recruited six secondary schools across regions and sectors
Supported host schools to plan program
Promoted the Conventions to schools
Administered grants to schools
Reported on proceedings and outcomes
Primary Schools’ Parliamentary Convention and Secondary Schools’ Parliamentary Convention
Promoted the Conventions to all Victorian Schools
Administered student/teacher application process
Developed Convention programs
Developed pre-convention reading
Coordinated event program, speakers, catering
Developed a teacher program
Establishment of Steering Committee
Victorian involvement in National Schools’ Constitutional Convention
Coordinated student/chaperone applications
Briefed students/chaperones
Supervised student departure from airport
Victorian Students' Parliamentary Program (2016-2018)
The Victorian Students’ Parliamentary Program aims to provide opportunities that support the civic learning and active participation in democratic processes of all Victorian students through local, state and national parliamentary programs and in school activities, and to support the professional learning of civics and citizenship education.
Local Constitutional Conventions provide Years 9 – 12 students with the opportunity to discuss contemporary social and legal issues, and especially those relating to the Australian Constitution. The Department of Education and Training funded six local conventions. Approximately 600 students attended the local conventions each year.
The Primary Schools’ Parliamentary Convention was held at the Victorian Parliament House. Approximately 100 Year 5 and 6 students attended each year.
2018 topic - Should a sugar tax be introduced to improve public health?
2017 topic - Zoos are a thing of the past, animals should be rehoused in their natural environment
2016 topic - All social media should be banned for children under 12
The Secondary Schools' Parliamentary Convention was held at the Victorian Parliament House. Approximately 100 Year 9-12 students attended each year.
2018 topic - Does the Constitution meet the needs of modern Australia?
2017 topic - Should Australia abolish compulsory voting and should the voting age be lowered to 16?
2016 topic - Equal Rights – Myth or Reality?