VSPP Primary Schools' Parliamentary Conventions

The Victorian Students’ Parliamentary Program (VSPP) consists of a series of student conventions, which provide students with opportunities to learn about Australia's constitution and systems of government. Students learn through participation in informed, parliamentary style debates on a range of topics affecting Australia's democracy. Schools from all sectors can opt-into the program to support the teaching of civics and citizenship education in their school.

The State-wide Primary School Parliamentary Conventions aimed to bring together approximately of 70 Primary students, from participating schools for a one-day event.  The Primary School program is designed for years 5 to 6 students. 

Dates and Topics for VSPP Primary Schools' Parliamentary Conventions in 2024

Primary Schools' Parliamentary Convention
Date: Tuesday 25 June 2024
Venue: Parliament of Victoria
Topic: With the increase in issues related to concussion, should contact sports be banned?

The following links will open a PDF format document, and can be viewed using the internet browsers Chrome, Edge, FireFox and Safari (iOS). 

Program: VSPP 2024 PSPC Program_v8.pdf
Pre-reading & Activities Pack (for students): 2024 VSPP Primary Convention - Students Activities Pack.pdf
Pre-reading & Activities Pack (for teachers): 2024 VSPP Primary Con - Teacher Reference Book.pdf

Online Primary Schools' Parliamentary Convention
Dates: Tuesday 30 & Wednesday 31 July 2024
Format: Online
Topic: Should students be taught how to use artificial intelligence tools in the classroom?

The following links will open a PDF format document, and can be viewed using the internet browsers Chrome, Edge, FireFox and Safari (iOS). 

Program: VSPP Online Primary Schools Convention - Program_Ext.pdf
Pre-reading & Activities Pack (for students): VSPP 2024 Online PSPC - Student Booklet.pdf
Pre-reading & Activities Pack (for teachers): VSPP 2024 Online PSPC - Teacher Reference Booklet.pdf

Should you have any enquiries, please call National Curriculum Services on (03) 9415 1299 or email registrations@ncsonline.com.au

National Curriculum Services (NCS) has been contracted by the Victorian Department of Education (DE) to deliver the Victorian Students’ Parliamentary Program (VSPP).